Thursday, September 5, 2013

Daily Post 09/05/13

If you read my School Post from earlier than I'm sure you can imagine how my day went. But I'll start from the beginning for those of you who don't want to go look at that post. When I got to school i went to history because I had a question about our terms list and ended up finding out my grade on my fist one (93!!!) which made my day. then I went to physics and we got to play with these really cool graphing calculators that used something similar to echolocation to track movement and then showed it to us on a graph. Next we went to advisory where The Deer* borrowed my math home work and John Watson* and I worked on our poster for Decathlon. Then I went to Math and thats where I made my school post about it only being second period and Anderson* was already frustrating me but anyways. After that we went to Decathlon where John Watson* and messed with Squirrel* a little. After that we went to choir and when we got there we worked on our poster again. After that was English and we worked on the Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death speech then lunch where Okami* and St King* showed me this horrible my little ponies video. After that we went to AP Studies and listened to a college lady talk about UT. After that we went to dance and worked out then we went to History where John  Watson* and I finished our history stuff. After that I went and got gas for Big Blue (my pick up) then came home and worked on my speech then went to fencing. I was sad because neither Sammy* or Th Doctor showed up so it was me Paul Garret and two new kids but it was still fun. After we fenced Paul and I knife fought and at one point Garret came up behind him and restrained him in a bear hug and let me stab Paul then later he did it to me and Im ashamed to say I was not expecting it when I really should have been. Now I'm watching Duck Dynasty and one of the commercials features Robert Downey Jr and it is hilarious because its got stuff like hot tea catapults and fat hula dancers and a cat so the end of my day was good. Oh I forgot to mention I found these two really emotional videos for sherlock so if you want some major feels go watch them Sammy* got upset and my heart ached but it i worth it because they fit so well.

*see Peoples Chart under Need to Know

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