Thursday, September 26, 2013



Ashley and Jasmine

Dog to person comparison


John and Sherlock

Chika and I

Me and Chika

Me and Kathrine

Me and Squirrel

Its Lilly

Its purple and black out day!!

Lilly Squirrel and +Jojo w

Its Squirrel

Me and Lilly

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sherlock video (not a spoiler)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Flowers John Watson* flowers
*see people chart under need to know


This is an oragami heart John Watson*
*see people chart under need to know

New phone

Well I bought my new phone yesterday. Why I haven't done any updates yesterday. Sorry by the way for that I've just been way to busy to do updates but hopefully I'll get back on track soon 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Daily Post 09/06/13-09/08/13

I didn't do any posts (besides that of my puppy) over the weekend because little happened but here's the basic run down. Friday was basically normal except I got to go to an ice cream social with my three little sixth grade sisters I took in. I'd like to stop and take a moment to address the fact that they are nothing like me. We had a question and answer game thing and everything i said only gave me blank   expressions from them and when I mentioned my blog one of them looked at me and asked "what's a blog?" Then to make matters worse i mention Doctor Who and Sherlock, which granted perhaps they shouldn't watch them, they were like what? So I feel alone I'm the world. Then I worked. Saturday I spent some time at my grandmothers then went home and worked on the first 1/2 of the terms list. Sunday I went to church then work then finished my terms list so ya. Not very eventful but what can you do right? Below is a funny picture enjoy :)

Friday, September 6, 2013

Time Guardian book 1

Chapter 3

   I woke to the sound of someone reading allowed and while the voice was unfamiliar the reading was not. 

   "I saw a Beast rising from the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads- on each horn a crown, and each head inscribed a blasphemous name. The Beast I saw looked like a leopard with bear paws and lions mouth..." The man read

   "Revelations chapter thirteen... I don't know the verse number though..." I choked out trying to sit up. 

   The man stopped me and laid me back down when I flinched in pain. 

   "You know your bible..." The man said. 

   "Yes sir well that book.... I studied it intensely..." I replied 

   My vision cleared and I looked up at the man and flipped out flying out of the bed. 

   "Y-you're...!!!" I started. 

   "I'm...?" He asked. 

   "You're Abraham Lincoln!!!" I screamed and almost passed out. 

   He smiled and helped me back into the bed. 

   "Yes ma'am! I see you've heard of me!" He laughed out. 

   "Heard of you?! You're my hero!" I stated. 

   He laughed again and shook his head. 

   "Hero? Now that's a grand title!" He replied. 

   "It truly is an honor sir!" Here I paused. "Wait.... You're supposed to be dead..." I stated slowly

   "Well miss Elizabeth... After everything you've seen and heard so far this shouldn't surprise you..." He said. 

   I blinked softly staring at him still in shock. 

   "Mr. Lincoln is a Time Guardian just like you." Stanton said as he walked in. 

   "What are you doing here?" I asked

   "Keeping you alive..." He stated trying not to get agitated. 

   "Elizabeth!!!" Tess screamed as she ran in. 

   "What's going on?" I asked confused. 

   "We work for the Time Guardians too?" I asked. 

   "No we just work for the company..." She replied. 

   "Being a Time Guardian is passed through the blood.... It is inherited..." Lincoln informed me. 

   I nodded and rubbed me head feeling exhausted and hungry. 

   "How long was I out?" I asked. 

   "Three days... You were in pretty bad shape we thought you weren't going to wake up." Tess replied

   "Three days?!... Oh my gosh I forgot about Mike! I had a date three days ago!" I cried out and flew out of bed. 

   Stanton dragged me back into bed glaring and Tess pulled back scared. 

   "You're not going anywhere!" He snapped. 

   "Then bring me a phone!" I growled out. 

   "No you need to recover so that means you stay in this bed and don't do anything but eat, sleep, and talk to your visitors that come here to see you!" He said raising his voice. 

   "That is enough! Stanton you know better than to take that tone of voice with a Time Guardian and a lady Time Guardian at that." Lincoln said standing. 

   Stanton pulled back and nodded, Tess came over beside me. Lincoln sat back down and motioned Stanton away. Stanton sulked out shutting the door behind him. 

   "I'll call him for you..." Tess murmured. 

   I looked up at her and Lincoln smiled. 

   "I'll call mike for you." She said a little louder. 

   "Thanks Tess." I said happily. 

   She smiled and skipped out and as the door closed Lincoln shook his head chuckling. I smiled and watched him gently. 

   "Elizabeth... There's something you should know..." He said hesitantly. 

   "What?" I asked. 

   "I'm your father..." He said slowly. 

   I stared at him before busting out laughing. I watched him and slowly stopped laughing as his face never faltered. 

   "Th-that's impossible... You can't be my dad... My dads name is Gene and he's been dead for five years!" I said. 

   "They are your adopted family... Mary, my wife, stayed alive till you were born because she had to give birth to a Time Guardian... After she had you she died and I put you up for adoption..." He said gently. 

   I stared at him blankly then shook my head. 

   "No... That's impossible... You shouldn't even be alive... You were shot in the back of the head... You have a tomb and a death certificate...   This whole thing is just a crazy dream that I need to wake up from..." I said. 

   Lincoln sighed and shook his head. 

   "Elizabeth... It is too hard and too painful to explain to you... One day you'll understand but for now I need you to trust me on this..." He said gently. 

   "What ever..." I said softly staring strait ahead. 

   He stood and walked out as Stanton walked in. 

   "Are you hungry...?" He asked softly. 

   "Yes..." I replied looking up at him. 

   "What do you want?" He asked coming closer. 

   "I could really go for a cheese burger..." I said laughing softly

   He laughed and nodded gently. 

   "Mayo and tomato only?" He asked

   "Yes please." I said smiling. 

   He nodded and walked out. I shifted into a more comfortable position and closed me eyes. Tess came skipping in and held out a note to me. 

   "Here ya go!" She said in a sing song voice. 

   I opened my eyes and glanced at it. 

  "His response I knew I wouldn't remember so I wrote it down!" She said happily. 

   "Thanks." I said and took the note. 

   I opened it and read  over it smiling at the fact that he was ok with rescheduling our date and hoped that I got better soon. 

   "Thank you again Tess... Don't let mr. Grumpy pants find out about this or he might blow up the house." I said. 

   Tess giggled and skipped out again. 


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Made My Day 09/04/13

Getting a 93 on my first terms list, watching Paul get bear hugged an try to break away from Garret, seeing Robert Downy Jr in a commercial with random stuff, and hearing all of Si's randomness

Daily Post 09/05/13

If you read my School Post from earlier than I'm sure you can imagine how my day went. But I'll start from the beginning for those of you who don't want to go look at that post. When I got to school i went to history because I had a question about our terms list and ended up finding out my grade on my fist one (93!!!) which made my day. then I went to physics and we got to play with these really cool graphing calculators that used something similar to echolocation to track movement and then showed it to us on a graph. Next we went to advisory where The Deer* borrowed my math home work and John Watson* and I worked on our poster for Decathlon. Then I went to Math and thats where I made my school post about it only being second period and Anderson* was already frustrating me but anyways. After that we went to Decathlon where John Watson* and messed with Squirrel* a little. After that we went to choir and when we got there we worked on our poster again. After that was English and we worked on the Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death speech then lunch where Okami* and St King* showed me this horrible my little ponies video. After that we went to AP Studies and listened to a college lady talk about UT. After that we went to dance and worked out then we went to History where John  Watson* and I finished our history stuff. After that I went and got gas for Big Blue (my pick up) then came home and worked on my speech then went to fencing. I was sad because neither Sammy* or Th Doctor showed up so it was me Paul Garret and two new kids but it was still fun. After we fenced Paul and I knife fought and at one point Garret came up behind him and restrained him in a bear hug and let me stab Paul then later he did it to me and Im ashamed to say I was not expecting it when I really should have been. Now I'm watching Duck Dynasty and one of the commercials features Robert Downey Jr and it is hilarious because its got stuff like hot tea catapults and fat hula dancers and a cat so the end of my day was good. Oh I forgot to mention I found these two really emotional videos for sherlock so if you want some major feels go watch them Sammy* got upset and my heart ached but it i worth it because they fit so well.

*see Peoples Chart under Need to Know

The Reichenbach fall: Save you (the Moxy)

*caution there is death and blood and thi song may cause you to cry due to an overwhelming amount of feelings 

Sherlock and Moriarty

*caution this video does contain violence and death

Daleks in Looney toons Back in Action

Time Guardians book 1

Here's chapter 2

School post

I can tell today is going to be a hard day. It's only second period and Anderson* is on my nerves. I'm extremely frustrated to begin w/ and her need to be in everything is making me mad

*see People Chart in Need to Know

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Time Guardians Book 1

I'm sorry for being so behind on the posts of my book chapters but here is chapter one of my historical fiction book Time Guardians which will eventually become a series but one thing at a time right?

Daily Post 09/04/13

As you may or may not have noticed I skipped Tuesday on my daily posts and I don't plan to post about it it was as boring as my weekend so I thought I would just pick up with today. This morning I woke up early and called and set an appointment to get my hair cut next Wednesday so in a week from now be expecting updated pictures of me and my new hair style (those who view my blog will be the first to see it not that that's exciting but it may make some of you feel special). After that I went to school where in physics we finished up our pirate activity from last week then I went to math and as usual was bored out of my ever loving mind because i was just notes. After that we went to Decathlon where Squirrel* and i became partners and interviewed each other (i may be posting some of the questions later when I start discussions and I encourage you all to post what you think) needless to say it was hard for us because there were points where we couldn't take each other seriously and so on. After that I went to choir where John Watson our choir friend and I spent most of the class (more of all of the class) playing hangman. Then we went to English where we discussed the Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death speech, if you haven't read it i highly recommend it, where John Watson* accidentally gave me the answer to one of the questions, thank you again. At lunch we found out that our school had been invaded by an army of fire ants and they were marching down the hall and into the classroom where my AP studies class is held so we got moved. In that class Okami* helped me come up with the new poll which if you haven't looked at yet you need to (the results of the last one were sad guys) and we wee annoyed very little by Anderson* and I'm fairly certain I upset her when I didn't ask for her help on the poll... but I will get to her later. After that i went to dance but didn't get to dance instead John Watson* and I worked on our poster or Decathlon. Lastly we all went to history where we paired up in partners and worked on a project ( John Watson and I were partners while +Jojo w worked with Okami*) after that Mycroft* and i went to the store before coming home where I have been working hard on all my home work. Now I'd like to discuss Anderson*. As much as I hate her I often find myself wanting to help her when she hits rock bottom which is probably part of the reason she sticks so close to me but I can't help it. I hate to see some of my enemies or people I hate  (I'd also like to say people I love but that kills me to see them so low where as to my enemies it only pains me) at this low point. I have also realized that I have grown dependent on her for role playing which is one of my few stress reliefs and often get mad at her and uneasy and mad at myself when we don't role play. I realize that to some extent all of this may make me a hypocrite but I have yet to find something to replace role playing or someone to replace her with as a role play partner. Perhaps now is the time to let my insanity fully take over  and just let things play out.

*see People Chart under Need to Know

Daily post 08/31/13-09/02/13

First I'd like to apologize for being late on my Daily post but in all fairness these days were rather uneventful which is why I have chosen to combine them all in one. Saturday I woke up early and went with my mother and grandmother to go find a new phone and have my heart now set on one that I have yet to receive but am in the process of doing so right now I really want the Samsung Galaxy s4 and am just waiting on my dads stuff to come in so we can get everything changed over to his name before I can order. After that i worked a brutal 9 hours and 15 minute shift then got home and fell asleep. Sunday I got up and went to church and afterwards found the haistyle i plan to get. ater that i went to work and came home. Monday I woke up erly hoping we would go and work on the phon stuff but that obviously didn't happen but i did go get Bindi (her brother Toby is still for sell for anyone interested) and spent the bulk of my time working on Decathlon work then I went to work where it wan't very busy (i was informed though that it had been busy earier). Well that's my daily post for this weekend but I would like to take a moment and visit my picture and video postings. I will try my best to stay G rated but know that some of the vieos and pictures may contain cussing violence and/or infrences to reationships that may be same gender such as Johnlock for the BBC show Sherlock. I will try to post warnings on th videos but do know that i am forgetful. Thank you for your conideration and viewing my blog